

We are always looking for more members to contribute their expertise and time. Volunteering not only serves our association, but strengthens our field, advances member's skills and connections, and makes the work of environmental health professionals more visible. Find a volunteer opportunity below.

Ongoing Opportunities

Technical Advisor

  • Year-long appointment, made each summer by the president.
  • Provide subject-matter expertise and counsel to our board, staff, membership, and affiliates on environmental health's latest developments and educational needs.
  • Assists with developing Annual Education Conference sessions.
  • Time commitment varies by area of expertise.

Credential Exam Reviewer

  • Help conduct a thorough evaluation of job task analyses and exam items/questions to ensure that the credentials are up to date and accurately reflect the profession they represent.
  • Must possess credentials.

Peer Reviewer for the Journal of Environmental Health

  • Serve as the subject matter experts as part of the consideration process for manuscripts submitted to the JEH.
  • Provide constructive comments designed to help the author produce a better article.
  • Provide direction on the suitability of the manuscript for publication.
  • On average, peer reviewers conduct three to four manuscript reviews a year at the direction of the JEH's editorial staff.

Subject Matter Expert

  • Subject matter experts (SMEs) assist in efforts in environmental public health workgroups and projects, developing trainings, and reviewing and updating course materials.
  • SMEs assist in various topic areas, ensure appropriate representation of the environmental health profession, and that developed training and materials are relevant, up-to-date, and accurately reflect the needs of the environmental health professional and community.
  • This role is outside that of the Technical Advisor, and the Journal and Credential Peer Reviewer.
  • Time commitment varies widely.

Run for a Board position

  • For those who are ready to commit even more time and energy, it might be time to consider running for a spot on our board. Elections are held each March.

Program Committees

  • Program committees provide guidance, input and expertise to leadership and program staff, fellow environmental health professionals and partner organizations on environmental health policies and programs.
  • Each committee is comprised of about nine to 11 local, state, tribal, federal, academic and private industry environmental health professionals.
  • They will help us better understand what is happening in the field and on the ground, help with projects identified by the committee, write and revise policy statements and position papers, provide suggestions for website content, create and revise fact sheets and other resources, etc.
  • Committee members must be a member in good standing.
  • The estimated time commitment is a few hours a month and includes at least one conference call per month, in the early stages of the committee; work in between meetings; and, work on sub-committees as appropriate. Volunteers are expected to commit for two years with an option to continue for a second two-year term.
  • We will review the applications and select members.

Community Contributing Panel

  • This panel will be responsible for actively posting and responding in , highlighting features of the platform, supporting other initiatives within Community, supporting the Community Code of Conduct, and providing feedback.
  • Learn more about joining.

Occasional Opportunities

Submit an Annual Educational Conference abstract

  • Submit an abstract for the AEC session proposal.
  • Advance professional development and enrichment of the profession.
  • A call for abstracts is sent to our members each fall.

Submit a nomination for an award

  • We take pride in recognizing outstanding individuals and groups who have dedicated themselves to excellence within the field of environmental health. Nomination periods begin each fall. Learn more about our awards program.

Connect with a local affiliate

  • Join one of our affiliate organizations.
  • Be a part of a community of individuals who live nearby or share a specific area with environmental health.


  • If one of these opportunities sounds like a good fit, fill out our to become a volunteer.